Workshop 17 Arch.Evgeniou Str. 714 09 Heraklion-Crete-Greece

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Store Papalexandrou 4, Iraklio 712 02

Therapeutical center for drug abuse

Therapeutical center for drug abuse

Therapeutic Centre for Drug Abuse (KETHEA Ariadne)

Hyacinth Festival, Anoyia 2011

Clay Activity

under the supervision of potter Vassilis Politakis

Theme: “Exploiting Memories”

The emotional charge provoked by our memories, whether good or bad, and which shape us, complete us and develop us as personalities, can be transubstantiated into energy to spark us into changing our life for the better.

With the correct evaluation and more emotionally mature handling of the experiences which provoked these memories, we start again our own uninterrupted journey to our dreams.

With six members of the Centre aged 25 to 35, Vassilis and the heads of the educational programs discussed the aspects regarding our theme and the ways in which we could express our thoughts in clay.

Under the supervision of Manos Tamiolakis, head of the Centre educational programs, and the Centre psychologist, the final decisions were made on what we wanted to say and how this could be put into practice.

None of the participating KETHEA members had any experience of working with clay.