Workshop 17 Arch.Evgeniou Str. 714 09 Heraklion-Crete-Greece

tel. +302810210852 | Mob. +306938535125


Store Papalexandrou 4, Iraklio 712 02

British Archaeological School

British Archaeological School

April 2013

“Vassilis Politakis has regularly cooperated with the British School at Athens,

lending his expertise to scholars and students alike.

Most recently he participated in a course for graduate students,

which ran at the British School’s facility at Knossos.

He gave lectures on ancient pottery techniques and ran hands-on practical sessions demonstrating those techniques.

The students benefited enormously from his expertise which combined knowledge of the scientific aspects of ancient ceramics, great skill as a potter, a commitment and excitement to explore and replicate ancient techniques, and a flare for presentation.”

Dr Matthew Haysom

Curator at Knossos

British School at Athens